A new subsea camera has been developed that can see two to three times further under water than existing cameras and calculate distances to objects. This will make work carried out under water much easier. Original Article
Environment News
For a while, the president’s plan for increasing vehicles’ fuel efficiency worked; he said it would save money and reduce carbon pollution. Then came cheap gas, and the improvements have stalled. Original Article
Is Obama’s Hope For Better Fuel Economy Sputtering Out? : ...

An NPR reader wrote to All Tech Considered, asking for help quantifying how texting may contribute to global warming. We consult Mike Berners-Lee, who studied “the carbon footprint of everything.” Original Article
How Much Do Your Text Messages Contribute To Global Warming? ...
Researchers have successfully demonstrated that desert sand from the UAE could be used in concentrated solar power (CSP) facilities to store thermal energy up to 1000°C. The research project called ‘Sandstock’ has been seeking to develop a sustainable and low-cost gravity-fed solar receiver and storage system, using sand particles as […]